Start by Entering your marketing results here
- Current CR
- 10% CR
- 20% CR
Conversion Rate (CR) What percentage of visitors become a lead
- 0.66%
- 10%
- 20%
Lead to Sale CR What % of your leads (above) become a customer
- 25.00%
- 25%
- 25%
Number of Leads At the CR above, this is how many leads you may receive
- 20
- 300
- 600
Number of Sales At the CR above, this is how many sales you may receive
- 5
- 75
- 150
Cost per Visitor This is how much you spend per visitor
- $0.16
- $0.16
- $0.16
Cost per Lead This is how much you’ll spend per lead
- $25.00
- $1.66
- $0.83
Cost per Sale This is how much you’ll spend to secure a customer
- $100.00
- $6.66
- $3.33
Average Monthly Sales This is how much you can make from your current CR
- $12500
- $187500
- $375000