301 Redirect or URL Canonicalization?

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301 redirects and canonical URLs (or rel="canonical") are two ways to tell search engines which version of a page should be indexed and shown in search results. 301 redirects does a little more than canonical URL’s because in addition to search engines and web crawlers, they also redirect the users to the correct version of a page.

Multilingual & Duplicate Content Plus New Markup for SEO

Search engines do not like duplicate content spread across multiple domains. Whether the country specific domains belong to you or someone else, if they provide the exact same content published on your main domain, all the pages will be considered as duplicate. We cover multilingual content, multilingual markup & handling duplicate content.

Take Follow Friday to a New Level with Twitter Videos

Has the Twitter Follow Friday tradition lost its meaning? A good friend took only 36 seconds to blow me away with a memorable Follow Friday recommendation. Take FF to a new level, and really make an impression on people you follow and respect.

Startup Growth, Hiring & Ghetto Validation with Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan gives a motivational and entertaining talk on startup growth, hiring, ghetto validation, and much more. Noah is known as the Founder & Chief Sumo at AppSumo, former Director of Marketing at Mint, and a very early Facebook employee.

8 Ways to be a Trusted Author In Google’s Eyes

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After you followed the Complete Guide on Google Authorship Markup, you now want to ensure that Google shows your author thumbnail on search results. Here are a 8 things you should know.

Complete Guide on Google Authorship Markup

google building blocks

Google recently introduced authorship markup on search results to help users discover great content more easily. Here are 5 steps to get your website setup so your thumbnail can appear in search results.