Chill Launches Under the Radar

watching chill launches completely under the radar, which won't last long. It is for video. It was launched by Namesake and Adly founder, Brian Norgard. With YouTube video getting over 3-billion views per day, the potential here is amazing.

How to Start a Movement

In this quick video by Derek Sivers, he creatively (and effectively) explains "How to Start a Movement." If you really care about starting a movement, have the courage to follow and show others how to follow

Content Marketing for Startups

dan martell

Dan Martell (of Flowtown, Timely, and Maple Butter to name a few) joined Namesake earlier today to cover content marketing for startups: keywords, editorial calendar, hiring writers, promoting content, and metrics. While Dan (sadly) didn’t have time to single out metrics, the below information is extremely valuable and metrics were a running theme.

Twitter Suggests What?

As Marshall Kirkpatrick of The Next Web pointed out the other week, "Twitter has created a new official account called @TwitterSuggests and is using it to send public replies to other Twitter users." While this seems like the logical step to increase engagement, Twitter Suggests has provided some interesting results to say the least.